Tappers Farm, Bodicote
Scale: 5.4 acres (2.19 ha)
The outline application is for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of up to 52 no. dwellings, with
associated works and provision of open space. The site is therefore currently part brownfield.
The site is bounded by existing residential development along the southern boundary, the A4260 Oxford Road along the eastern boundary with
development immediately beyond and the primary school along the western boundary. The northern boundary, from where the access is to be
taken, is White Post Road. Overall the proposal would integrate with the form of built development in the vicinity and be a logical
addition to Bodicote.
It has been recognised through the grant of planning permission for new housing developments in and adjacent to Bodicote over recent years
that the settlement is locationally sustainable for new residential proposals. Bodicote benefits from local services with bus services and
cycle and pedestrian routes into Banbury.
Benefits of the Proposal
- The scale of development accords with the settlement hierarchy as set out in Policy BCS1 and Policy Villages 1 and 2;
- The delivery of open market housing to assist in boosting the supply of housing where there is currently a significant shortfall;
- The delivery of 35% affordable housing which accords with the development plan and would assist in addressing the very significant and persistent shortfall in affordable housing delivery;
- The use of part brownfield land;
- A high quality design led scheme with a density of development that accords with the character of the area;
- The retention of all important trees on-site and the provision of new native high-quality trees to enhance the character of the area;
- A proven net biodiversity gain across the site with ecological corridors, wildflower grassland and new wetland habitats;
- Development in an accessible location which can accommodate the development scheme socially, economically and environmentally;
- Off-site highway improvements including sustainable transport contributions;
- The provision of open space to meet the needs of existing and proposed residents; and;
- A range of social and economic benefits including the provision of New Homes Bonus, CIL, Council Tax revenue now, construction jobs and increase spending for local services and facilities.