Berry Hill Road, Adderbury
Scale: 55 units
Hollins Strategic Land submitted an Outline Application for up to 55 units in November 2017 on a site to the north of Berry Hill Road in Adderbury, Cherwell. Benefits of the scheme include:
- A development of up to 55 dwellings, at a mix of types, tenures and sizes;
- Affordable dwellings (at up to 35%, equating to 19 dwellings based on a 55 dwelling scheme);
- A scheme that delivers more smaller dwelling units to include 3 bed family homes and entry level starter homes;
- Safe vehicular and pedestrian access to the site off Berry Hill Road;
- Associated landscaping, including an area of public open space;
- Enhancing highway safety and sustainability through provision of a new footway on the northern side of Berry Hill Road, between the site access and the junction of Berry Hill Road and Horn Hill;
- The provision also of a new footway extending south-east of the site access around the corner of the A4260 Oxford Road and a new crossing and pedestrian refuge on the A4260 Oxford Road;
- The retention of most existing trees and hedgerows and provision of new landscaping including new tree and hedge planting; and
- Ecological mitigation and enhancement including the integration of a Green Infrastructure Network within the site and opportunities to provide a net gain in biodiversity.