A planning application has been submitted for up to 50 dwellings on Sandy Road, Willington, Bedfordshire. Hollins have engaged positively with the community and Parish Council over several years. The site is a proposed allocation for 50 dwellings in the emerging Willington Neighbourhood Plan which has undergone several rounds of consultation. The Neighbourhood Plan has undertaken a site selection assessment and allocated the site in the Regulation 14 version of the Neighbourhood Plan on that basis. The Parish Council and Ward Councillor were notified of the intention to submit an outline application and the reasons why.
The Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030 (BLP) was adopted on 15 January 2020. The BLP sets out the plan for Bedford borough’s growth up to 2030. Policy 4S aims to provide 3,169 new dwellings across the borough. The distribution of this housing aim will allow for 260 dwellings in Rural Service Centres, including Willington. The planning application is submitted on the basis that it accords with the development plan as a whole and therefore should be considered against paragraph 11(c) of the Framework for the following reasons:
The application proposal would deliver the following benefits;