Hollins Strategic Land have prepared an application
for residential development which has been submitted to Preston City Council.
The site is located between the northern inner ring
road - Eastway – and the M55 motorway. It is bounded
by the west coast main train line to the west and
additional open land to the east which reduces in
depth towards the Eastway roundabout. The site is very well contained given the existing physical boundaries and is effectively cut off from the open countryside to the north of the M55 and beyond.
Preston City Council have an entrenched and significant housing land shortfall.
As part of the site allocation process this site has been identified as a ‘Preferred Option’ within the site allocation consultation document. The site is allocated for residential development under policy HS1.4.
The wider policy (HS2) anticipates east west phasing and delivery and therefore recognises at paragraph 4.21 of the supporting text that ‘HS1.4 and HS1.5
can deliver units in the shorter term.’