On land at Lightfoot Lane Hollins Strategic Land promoted a dual strategy in order to bring the site forward for residential development. The land was promoted through
the emerging Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Development Plan Documents together with submitting an outline planning application to Preston City Council.
In the adopted Preston Local Plan the land was protected from development by an open space policy designation; however, on the back of our robust planning
case Preston City Council put the site forward as a proposed housing allocation in their draft site allocations consultation and in October 2011 HSL achieved
an outline planning consent for up to 70 dwellings.
From initial site identification HSL had a clear planning strategy for developing this Greenfield site, which is located in a highly sustainable location
and was identified as an area the Council were endorsing as a general location for future growth early on in the Local Plan process. The housing scheme
was approved at Planning Committee despite significant local objection.
The planning application is the first major housing approval to be granted in Preston for some considerable time. A reserved matters application has now
been approved and the development is currently under construction by Charles Church Homes.