We have achieved a unanimous outline planning consent in Staveley, Derbyshire, at committee for up to 400 homes including much needed affordable housing. HSL promoted the land through the emerging Local Plan, working proactively with officers and secured an allocation in the Chesterfield Local Plan.
Land promoted by HSL in Wootton, Bedfordshire, was submitted earlier in 2019 for up to 81 homes and is recommended approval by officers. The local planning authority acknowledge there is currently no five year housing land supply in the borough. The planning committee is to be heard on 28th October.
Land at Tappers Farm in Bodicote, Oxfordshire, has been allowed at appeal for up to 46 homes. Inspector Martin Allen found the scheme would not result in harm to the character and appearance of the area and would not conflict with Policy PV2 of the Local Plan.
Another proposed development is for outline planning permission for up to 400 dwellings and provision of an area of public open space, with associated landscaping and access from Inkersall Road and Inkersall Green Road.
View Proposal Here
Outline planning application has been made for a residential development for up to 81 dwellings with access off Hall End Road
in Wootton, Bedfordshire. View Proposal Here
Hollins is proposing a residential development on land at Restrop Road in Purton. We are holding a public event on
Monday 4th March at 4.00pm - 8pm in Purton Village Hall. See proposals here:
Restrop Rd, Purton