The team switch off to enjoy a Christmas meal and drinks in Manchester City Centre.
The offices will close for the Christmas break at close of business on Friday 22 December 2023 and reopen on Tuesday 2 January 2024. We wish all of our teams, landowners, consultants and agents a peaceful and restful Christmas.
The team have been getting up to speed with the latest planning High Court challenges in 2023 hosted by Landmark Chambers.
The detailed preparation of two planning appeals, one in Greater Manchester and one in Lancashire, is underway by the full appeal team of HSL’s in-house planners, external consultants and counsel. Both appeals are underpinned by clear evidence of a need for housing in the area.
HSL has lodged a planning appeal relating to its land interest in Broughton, Preston. The site proposes up to 51 dwellings, lies in a very sustainable location, is well-contained and provides a unique mix of housing that aligns with the latest published evidence in the borough to include older people’s housing. The proposals will also provide 40% affordable to meet an evidenced local housing need in Broughton.
We continue to be actively engaged in the second part of the Bedford Local Plan examination hearing sessions and have submitted further written and oral evidence in support of our sites within the borough. This evidence relates to housing and employment allocations and housing land supply.
HSL has secured a resolution to grant planning permission at committee for a 130 dwelling site at St.Helens.
HSL is pleased to have completed on the sale of land for 25 dwellings at Carrington Road, Adlington to Edgefold Homes.
In support of our sites at Biddenham and Wootton, Bedfordshire, we are engaged in the Bedford Local Plan 2040 examination as part of our promotion strategy. We have submitted our latest evidence and attended the hearing sessions. Further hearing sessions are programmed for September 2023.
HSL has completed on the sale of land for 47 dwellings at Restrop Road, Purton to CALA Homes.
HSL has a partnership with the Burghley House Preservation Trust and is promoting land at Easton on the Hill as a suitable, deliverable, and available housing site to accommodate an identified housing need in the area. As part of the promotion strategy, HSL is highlighting the extent of rural housing shortfall in the area and is engaged in the Development Plan advocating that policies for rural housing delivery need to be identified and an appropriate framework provided to guide future development in such areas. As part of this approach, HSL has submitted its latest representations and evidence papers to the East Northants Local Plan Part 2 Examination session this month.
HSL has made submissions to the Cotswold District Council Local Plan ‘Technical Documents Consultation’ which closed on 16 March.
HSL has submitted representations on the Government’s proposed changes to the planning system (National Planning Policy Framework).
We are delighted to have agreed the sale of the land at Willington in Bedfordshire to Dandara which will bring forward a sustainable neighbourhood plan allocation of 50 homes we facilitated with the local community. Having in-house planning expertise and a commercially-minded team means we were able to drive the strategy forward, not only by gaining planning permission but structuring the deal to meet the objectives of both Dandara and the landowners. Its delivery will not only bring forward much needed homes but will also help create wider community benefits that will leave a positive legacy in the area.
HSL is promoting land at Tetbury in the Cotswolds and will be making submissions on two key evidence base documents which are out for consultation from 16 February 2023 and 16 March 2023. These documents will be used in the Local Plan making process. The first document is the Non-Strategic Site Allocations Selection Methodology and it is seeking views on the various criteria that will help us to select the best and most sustainable sites for development in the Local Plan and the second documents is on Guidance for major development in the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (National Landscape).
The HSL team have had a very busy start to the New Year with the submission of two applications in the midland region which were validated in January. An application for 99 dwellings at Queniborough was submitted to Charnwood Borough Council and a further application was made to Hinckley and Bosworth District Council for 50 dwellings on land off Kennell Lane, Witherley.
The HSL team are proactively involved in the Charnwood Borough Council Local Plan and have attended the resumed hearing sessions this month.