December 2021
HSL is pleased to complete the sale of land for 144 new homes in Melksham, Wiltshire, to Barratt David Wilson Homes following achieving outline planning consent in September 2021.
HSL is pleased to complete the sale of land for 144 new homes in Melksham, Wiltshire, to Barratt David Wilson Homes following achieving outline planning consent in September 2021.
Hollins has made strategic and site-level representations to the Places for Everyone Plan of 9 of the Greater Manchester authorities identifying the lack of soundness of the Plan and the need for additional allocations to meet urgent family and affordable housing needs. With sites in Manchester, Trafford, Bury and Bolton having the ability to contribute over 1,000 new homes and infrastructure benefits, Hollins is well placed to facilitate delivery of urgent new affordable homes across the City region.
HSL makes its representations to the Swindon Borough Council Local Plan Submission Version outlining concerns regarding the soundness pf the plan and deliverability of new homes and infrastructure.
HSL is pleased to complete the sale of land for 400 new homes in Staveley, Chesterfield to Barratt David Wilson Homes. HSL partnered with The Sutton-cum-Duckmanton Educational Charity along with a private landowner in 2018 and successfully promoted the land through the Development Plan process. Outline planning consent was achieved in 2020. We are delighted to see that the land sale will provide a significant funding boost for a small local education charity as well as deliver much-needed new homes to the area.
HSL has lodged a planning appeal relating to its land interest in Adlington, Chorley. The site lies in a sustainable location, is allocated for new homes in the emerging Development Plan and boost the supply of new homes in an area where forward supply is limited. The site would also contribute to meeting the NPPF requirement for 10% of housing needs to be delivered on small sites.
HSL launches marketing for 40 new homes in Adderbury, Oxfordshire. The details can be found here: SALES PARTICULARS (opens a new window) Contact: Paul O’Shea for details –
HSL is delighted to learn that our appeal for 40 dwellings at Adderbury (Cherwell, Oxfordshire) is allowed. It is great to see acknowledgement of HSL’s creative and visionary approach to planning and indeed housing delivery.
HSL launches marketing for 144 new homes in Melksham, Wiltshire. The site offers an excellent development opportunity. Contact Paul O’Shea for details.
The marketing details can be found here: SALES PARTICULARS (opens a new window)
Well done to our colleague, Hannah Wild MRTPI, who has successfully gained her chartership to the Royal Town Planning Institute. Congratulations Hannah!
HSL has made representations to the Charnwood Borough Local Plan Pre- Submission consultation. HSL is promoting land for new homes in a sustainable location at Queniborough which is identified as a proposed housing allocation for new homes in the Council’s plan.
HSL has made representations to the Hinkley & Bosworth Local Plan (Regulation 18) Consultation.
HSL along with Hollins Homes attend Haydock Park Racecourse. Covid protocols were carefully respected, and everyone enjoyed a great afternoon, especially the bookies!
HSL has submitted an outline application for up to 51 new homes in the sustainable village of Broughton, Preston. The site lies adjacent to a key transport corridor into Preston.
HSL has submitted a planning application for its vision at Gatley Golf Club. The vision is to create a walkable neighbourhood centered on transforming existing club house buildings into a community hub to provide a range of public spaces in addition to retaining Heald Green Theatre. The proposals include up to 297 new homes of which 150 homes will be affordable homes as defined by Stockport Borough Councils planning policy framework.
HSL has been busy with planning appeal matters this month with a back-to- back hearing and inquiry starting at Adderbury in Oxfordshire and then at Milton Malsor in South Northamptonshire.
HSL welcomes Shakira Flores Heatley to the team. Shakira has joined as Office Manager. We are excited to have Shakira join the team and her enthusiasm and professionalism will be a great asset to the team. We wish her well in her new role with Hollins.
Our colleague, Alun Davies, is raising awareness in relation to mental health and suicide prevention for the charity Movember. In June, Alun set himself an endurance challenge and undertook 8 bootcamp classes in a day at Barry’s Bootcamp where he burned over 5,000 calories in total in just one day’s session! Clearly a fairly intensive affair but well-done Alun from all of us at Hollins. It’s a very good cause indeed!
Hollins will be attending the virtual Examination in Public of the Halton Local Plan during May/June and supporting the allocation of our site in Widnes for residential development for up to 200 new homes.
HSL extends its partnership with Burghley House Preservation Trust to promote land for new homes in East Northamptonshire.
Having achieved both an outline planning consent and Reserved Matters, HSL completes the sale of 80 homes at Loveclough, Bury to Hollins Homes.
HSL has extended its partnership with the Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust to promote land for new homes in Malmesbury, Wiltshire.
HSL has completed the sale of 46 homes at Oxford Road, Bodicote of which 40% will be affordable homes to Greensquare Group.
We are pleased to complete on the sale of land at Holts Lane, Poulton to Seddon Homes for 102 new homes.
HSL progresses its engagement with the Parish Council and community of Willington in Bedfordshire to promote a sustainable site for 50 new homes. Our site is identified in the Neighbourhood Plan which has now reached Regulation 15 stage. HSL will continue to take a proactive approach in supporting the neighbourhood plan through the next consultation and then at Examination.
HSL has been successful in its challenge to the High Court to quash an appeal decision made by the Planning Inspectorate in Wootton, Bedfordshire. The High Court agreed with HSL that the decision was legally inadequate due to the unlawful approach taken by the Planning Inspector to paragraph 11(d) of the NPPF. HSL is continuing to promote the land through the emerging Bedford Local Plan.
HSL has launched its vision for land at Gatley Golf Club (Stockport) to create a new neighbourhood delivering affordable homes centered on transforming existing buildings to create an open to all community hub. Link to article Outline plans lodged for 300 new homes at Gatley Golf Club - Marketing Stockport (opens a new window)
HSL is pleased Wiltshire Strategic Planning Committee Members have voted to support officers’ recommendation and approve our planning application for 144 dwellings which includes open space and 43 affordable homes. In addition to new homes, the application will deliver funding for new highways infrastructure which include upgrading of bus stops on Semington Road and the pelican crossing on the A350 as well as improved pedestrian signage. Over £500,000 is ringfenced for education improvements to local schools and £137,000 is set aside to improve healthcare capacity in the locality.