Hollins Strategic Land have successfully achieved consent for the erection of up to 65 dwellings on land off Crewe Road, Alsager. The planning
considerations relevant to determining the application were complex.
HSL's comprehensive planning strategy demonstrated that there
were material considerations
that weighed in favour of the proposed residential development including the
local authority's lack of a five year housing supply and this shortage is serious and
worsening. The deficiency of market housing in Alsager and the wider Cheshire East Borough is eclipsed by the demonstrable need for affordable homes, the
scheme approved will deliver some much needed affordable homes.
A section 106 agreement has been completed, that will ensure our proposals will make an immediate contribution to the housing supply shortfall whilst also
responding to deficiencies in the open space provision in Alsager.
HSL's comprehensive proposals for the site will deliver a route for leisurely walks,
enhanced biodiversity and improved highway safety by providing a footway to an isolated bus stop adjacent to the site. A reserved matters application has
been submitted.