HSL propose a new residential scheme on College Road South in Aston Clinton, Aylesbury Vale. Aston
Clinton is a sustainable village, east of Aylesbury town, with excellent local employment prospects and a good
range of services. The proposal will provide up to 55 new market and affordable homes.
We are consulting in regard to our current planning proposal (55 dwellings) which is subject to an appeal against Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC). The application (Ref. 16/02752/AOP) was originally for outline planning permission for the erection of up to 85No. dwellings which was consulted through AVDC.
Before a decision by AVDC was made, a revised plan and several supporting documents were prepared and submitted to AVDC on 8 May 2017, along with a covering letter to the planning officer Anne James. The revised layout and supporting documents are a result of directly addressing key comments of the previous Inspector through a layout which responds with a more considered and balanced approach to the potential landscape and visual impacts.
We received confirmation that the documents were received and downloaded by AVDC before a decision was issued or expected. It was thought that AVDC would work positively and proactively with us before any decision was made. However, a decision was subsequently produced on 11 May 2017 for the superseded plans, not for the revised 55-dwelling scheme. An appeal was lodged on 16 August 2017 and a 4-day Public Inquiry is scheduled to start on 22 May 2018. It is important that you have the opportunity to comment on the reduced scheme whether or not you supported the original one. AVDC have uploaded the documents on their planning portal, available to view using reference 16/02752/AOP. The documents can be viewed using the links below:
The key principles of the revised scheme are as follows:
A consultation is open and will run until 2 April 2018. We kindly invite you to review the documents and send your comments to us
at the details below. All comments will be sent to AVDC and the Planning Inspectorate shortly after the close of the consultation.
HSL will invite the Planning Inspectorate to accept the following new plans/documents for the appeal. All those who commented on the
original plans, including residents and statutory consultees, have been sent a letter or email inviting further comments. A copy of this
letter is also sent to AVDC for openness and transparency.
If you would like to comment on any of the plans/documents, please respond in writing or by email (consultation@hsland.co.uk) by 2 April 2018.